This Site is Coming Down…

Yeesh. Although my logs show that hundreds of people are still visiting this site every month (2242 page views this month, mainly for the filmmaking articles not the MavLog), it’s clear that I haven’t been visiting it, let alone updating it. So I’ll be pulling the existing MavArt site down Real Soon Now and replacing it with a blogging system (moveabletype) for the whole site, not just the MavLog. That way I can easily make updates to the entire site, not just this small MavLog section hidden away down here.

Whether I will actually make regular updates is another question.

I don’t know why I’m mentioning this here, as the MavLog is the least popular part of the site, so no one will ever see it. 🙂

Spam, Wonderful Spam

Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam…

If you thought spammers and scammers would use anything as an excuse to spam you or try to trick you, you were right. The events of 11 September are no exception. What I want to know is – if it’s OK for governments to over react to the New York and Washngton attacks by passing over-the-top security laws, why can’t the internet standards bodies pass anti-spam/scam recommendations to stop this stuff at an ISP or higher level? Or perhaps now it’s me who’s over reacting.
Continue reading “Spam, Wonderful Spam”

Dance Monkey Boy! DANCE!

See Steve dance. Dance Steve dance!

Wow. Every now and then you find something on the net, an image, an audio file, a video, that you know you shouldn’t have access to, but it’s out there and you can’t resist watching/listening to it. You know the stuff – the recording of that poor guy panicking about his missing hard drive, that footage of a guy bashing his computer in frustration, etc etc.
Continue reading “Dance Monkey Boy! DANCE!”

Online Parliament – Bandwidth Waste?

Parliament online is cool. No really. REALLY! Oh to heck with you…

I have a guilty secret. I like to watch and listen to Parliament. Especially question time. I tell people I like to watch it because my partner is a Ministerial Adviser, but the truth is I’ve been listening to Parliamentary debates and Question Time on the radio since my school days.
Continue reading “Online Parliament – Bandwidth Waste?”