
Me Insightful Linguist

Is Skevos as bright as he thinks he is?

Me Think…
I found a link to an IQ test here. Sure, I bet it’s way too short to be a reliable test of anyone’s IQ, but I couldn’t resist, so I filled it in. The results:


See? SEE? I’m not just bright, I’m an insightful linguist! Whatever the heck THAT means!

And for anyone that notices that this IQ test seems to be part of a dating website – no, I didn’t notice that till after I had done the test. Honest honey, I wasn’t looking for a date, I swear! THWACK! Ow!

I made this light-hearted post a while ago, and somehow it became the top-ranked Google result for searches on the term “insightful linguist” (it’s not anymore). Many people posted comments to this article, which is great (it’s calmed down a bit now). I’d just like to point out that I am in no way affiliated with the IQ test, I’m just someone that did the test and wrote a small post about it on my blog. Also, I don’t think “insightful linguist” is a term with any scientific meaning, nor do I believe that online IQ tests are very reliable – so don’t take it very seriously, ok?

Phunny Phetish

I’ve been online for a while, so I’ve seen a lot of what the net has to offer. I’ve come to accept that somewhere on the net there is a website for every interest, obsession, or fetish. But just when you think you’ve seen everything, along comes this specialised fetish site. Wow. There really is something for everyone online.

Which is not to say that I find the images there unnattractive, it’s just that, I mean… of all the technology devices to be turned on by, why this one? Maybe I don’t get it because I use these devices myself almost every day…

Making Ned Dull

In which Skev vents his disappointment with the film Ned Kelly.

Ned Kelly was a let down. Not since In a Savage Land have I been this disappointed with an Australian film, and for mostly the same reasons. With all that money and talent, both in front of and behind the camera, I foolishly got my expectations up before seeing Ned Kelly. It’s not that Ned Kelly is a bad film in itself, in fact it’s quite good (and a lot better in many ways than In a Savage Land), it’s just not what I was hoping for.
Continue reading “Making Ned Dull”

Anything but Boring

Wow. Every day this guy produces an image from his 3D software, and he puts it up on his web site, which he oddly calls Boring 3D. Images range from apparently random flights of fancy to the on going “story” (if story is the right word) of box and naked mining guy, along with other great images. Simple but great composition and colours.

Check out his archive. Scroll to the bottom and look at them in chronological order as you scroll up. Is he really doing this every day? Amazing.

MavArt v7 is Live

Well, this, the seventh version of the MavArt web page is finally up and running. There’s no gallery yet, but most of my old articles are now transferred over, and the rest can be added as I go. So I’m calling it done. Thanks to those that gave me feedback – it still amazes me how strangers stumble across my site and say nice things to me about my articles. Maybe I should write some new articles.

I took a look at the first version of the MavArt page the other day, dated 28 August 1996 (yes, I backup just about everything!), and man, was it lame! Hard to believe how much the internet has grown (and commercialised) since those days. Now that my vanity page is based on the moveabletype system, I have officially run out of reasons for not updating it more often. Time will tell…

Getting There

Apologies if Google brought you here looking for one of my articles and you couldn’t find it. Google is still sending people to the old pages, some of which I have left up for now, soon they will direct you here. All the articles are converted over now, and can be found in the menu on the side of the screen.

I do know that 95% of my visitors come here via Google, so sorry for the inconvenience but it had to be done. Google will correct itself in a few weeks.

Not all the templates are converted over to the MavArt look either, they will be soon. Thanks!

This Site is Coming Down…

Yeesh. Although my logs show that hundreds of people are still visiting this site every month (2242 page views this month, mainly for the filmmaking articles not the MavLog), it’s clear that I haven’t been visiting it, let alone updating it. So I’ll be pulling the existing MavArt site down Real Soon Now and replacing it with a blogging system (moveabletype) for the whole site, not just the MavLog. That way I can easily make updates to the entire site, not just this small MavLog section hidden away down here.

Whether I will actually make regular updates is another question.

I don’t know why I’m mentioning this here, as the MavLog is the least popular part of the site, so no one will ever see it. 🙂

BIFF 2002 Nitpicking

In which Skev gets the irrits at the Brisbane International Film Festival.

This week, thanks to the generosity of a friend with a spare gold pass, I attended about eight screenings at the 2002 Brisbane International Film Festival (BIFF). I’ve attended a few festivals in my time — from small to medium sized — as an audience member, a filmmaker, and even a judge. Maybe it’s just my bad luck, but film festivals I attend seem to have more than their fair share of issues. BIFF was no exception.
Continue reading “BIFF 2002 Nitpicking”